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螢幕快照 2020-03-30 上午9.20.20.png
hiPOWER is an industry leading energy service business focusing on hydrogen application and R&D. We dedicated to develop innovative green energy technology for a better life. 

About Us


We believe

Hydrogen is Power

We believe

Hydrogen is Power, it is able to change the world. In order to solve the problems of over usage and global warming caused by population increases, it is critical to enhance energy efficiency and reduce combustion and waste heat discharge. Introducing clean energy solution is no time to delay.

The goal of using hydrogen energy could lead us to energy independence. 

Hydrogen is the basic element among energy, therefore, hiPOWER concentrates on hydrogen technology, providing several core solutions.

Our Visions

  1. Integrate hydrogen technology to improve efficiency of hydrogen utilization;

  2. Develop local hydrogen solution to compensate insufficient hydrogen fuel;

  3. Stabilize regional power supply & demand balance by improving methanol fuel cell generator and energy storage.

Core Values  

A- Accountability        

B- Be happy working  

C- Cooperate in team 

D- Developing 

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